David Brown (Jamaica) - 8
Tong Tong (Sudan) - 6
Mike Collins (Jamaica) - 5
Darko (Serbia) - 5
Chico Laos - 4
Veronica Boesch (ES) - 6
Mallory Outerbridge (Portugal) - 6
Robyn Anson-Kiss (Holland) - 5
Kelly Cerkowniak (Ukraine) - 4
Michelle Anderson (Ukraine) - 4
U16 Girls
Meghan Mcfee (Brazil) - 4
Samantha Burko (England) - 4
U16 Boys
Geo Saluma (England) - 3
Marcello Gonzalez (Pakistan) - 3
Kyle Dedecker (Germany) - 3
U14 Boys
Moetaz Ghremida (Scotland) - 4
dance puppets you are all in my fingers, no one can find me out!
DB you are the best. I figured you would win this golden boot. Hands down, it's yours buddy. Go Brown.
Stop talking about yourself DB! anyways he will not score anymore goals because they play Laos and Afghan and those Defences will shut down his robot leg and he will have to replace it again for a new one but with TITANIUM metal this time.
DB is the striker this tournament was missing last year. The guy is simply the best.
Collins is a close second with his talent. Collins is a free kick specialist.
Missing one from the men's, William McGhee from Northern Ireland has 5 goals
Collins thinks he is a top talent but he is garbage. I don't rate very highly and some of his present and former teammates don't either.
Sorry the people who I get the stats from have been getting it all wrong. Unfortunately these are official.
Man why do u gotta hate on a guy.. when hes the only one that keeps up on the wcp with out him there would be no wcp blog ... thanks mike for the updates
Darko this is a scout from the Vancouver white caps we want to sign you
I, Craig Hodel promise to give the fans a good show. I am the only reason people come to watch. I am the greatest holding midfielder this tournament has ever seen. David Brown is only good because of the supporting role I play. Without me, Team Jamaica would have no ball movement. They rely on me, Craig Hodel, to get the ball to players like Brown. Praise me while you can. I am for real.
Craig Hodel "WCP CUP MVP"
Hodel why don't you shut up and stick to being a bum waiter. That's all you are ever going to be good at. Are you ashamed that no one talks about you on this blog? Could that be why you need to post up your name? To get noticed? Lame.
haha obviously the fake hodel has returned. As for being ashamed that no one talks about him, did you not just post about him? is that not talking about him?
Craig did not come on and post this about himself
I am getting tired of this baloney of how much my son sucks. Do you realize how much crys per day because of these postings? this is stupid, we got him now in therapy because of this blog, some people really need some help! it sickens me to come on here and read some posts!
Craigs dad
I, Nathan Reis promise to give the fans a good show. I am the only reason people come to watch. I am the greatest striker in this tournament has ever seen. Ireland is only good because of the supporting role I play. Without me, Team Ireland would have no ball movement. They rely on me, Nathan Reis, to get the ball to players like Julio. Praise me while you can. I am for real.
Nathan Reis "WCP CUP MVP"
Wow great job guys, but we could see improvements in some teams! What a tournament!!
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