Sunday, 3 March 2013

Top 10 Players

Note: I am only using players who are playing in the tournament this year for sure so there are some obvious omissions.

This is in no particular order. Just randomly listing them. Here we go.

1. David Brown (Jamaica) - Has scored more goals than anyone else in WCP history and its not even close. Pretty much impossible to leave him off the list.

2. Evan Campbell (Laos) - You don't always get the best effort out of Evan but when you do he is a fantastic keeper. Has helped Laos win many games. I feel that Evan, when on his game is the best keeper in the tournament.

3. Danny Marchinko (France) - Danny is a great indoor player. Yeah, he tends to get under your skin but he also possesses a fearsome shot and more importantly the ability to create that one yard in order to get that shot off. Look for him to score a lot of goals.

4. Kevin Holness (Jamaica) - Still just the man. Maybe he is not as mobile as he once was but he can hold the ball up in this tournament as well as anyone. Easiest guy to play with.

5. Stephen Patterson (ROI) - Another extremely versatile player. What make S Pat so effective is that he can play against those quicker wingers while still having the size to muscle them. He can also get forward just about as well as he can defend.

6. Jarvis Hughybaert (Canada) - I hate playing against Jarvis. He manages to defend so tight that it is essentially impossible to turn. Can run all day and can shoot with both feet. That is a very dangerous ability in this tournament.

7. Kevin Murphy (France) -  Has been in fine form recently, tearing it up for both club and country. Yeah he is another guy who who tends to bother people but you know what? Get over it.

8. Brett Bachelu (France) - Has finally recovered from his knee injury he suffered in WCP two years ago and is starting to show his form again. Great at holding up the ball and never tries to do to much. A really selfless player.

9. Paco Brown (Colombia) - Arguably no team is more reliant on one player than Colombia on Paco. Has to play both offense and defense. Scores many of their goals and puts in a seemingly endless amount of work. Colombia would be screwed without him.

10. Darko (Serbia) - Of course this list would not be complete without my boy Darko. Scores a large amount of goals, including one beauty the other night, despite playing essentially by himself. Loves to score goals and then have people acknowledge his goals. A true narcissist.


Anonymous said...

Terrible list. I am going to assume that this list is a joke.

Darko Hardi said...

hahahah narcissist :) love it ...
i dont think i should be on the list but ok thanks mike :)
probably Josip, Brett, Riggs, wouldve been more suitable for the list :)

Anonymous said...

Haha interesting. Ensuing comments should be entertaining.

Anonymous said...

You right Darko, you shouldn't be on the list. Consider yourself very lucky. I on the other hand am a well deserved mention because I am a workhorse.


Anonymous said...

this list is a joke...Paco, Darko, ?????? really

Holness is a good player but hes old lets face it

Anonymous said...

This list sucks. Benno, Rory and Riley should be on it over Paco, David, Kevin and Darko.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Kash over Jarvis.

Anonymous said...

Talking about players can be fun, but I like looking at the team power rankings even more. Here's my power rankings going into the tournament. Disagree if you want, but say why. And just because you hate them, doesn't mean they are the worst team in the tournament.

1)France - Have tons of talent and have been together for a few years now. The RSA tourney showed they are a major powerhouse this year.

2)Laos - Have played in the final three straight years with one title under their belt. Adding Chico will only make them stronger.

2)Sudan - Won it last year.. I know nothing about the team being submitted this year so I will assume they are the same for now. I don't think their team from last year could take France or Laos they way they look this year.

4)Canada - Same team, strong as always, they just lack the intensity to be #1.

5)Poland - Say what you want about them, but they have a solid team. If they could be more consistent they would be ranked higher.

6)Ireland - Despite some big losses, it sounds like they are retaining a good portion of their team and adding some new talent. It won't be the Ireland of old, but they will still be strong.

7)Jamaica - Some huge additions make this team look a lot better, but a weak defense and inconsistent play are still likely going to hurt them. It will be nice to see Jonah forced to work a little harder this year though. It's always fun watching the top keepers do what they do best.

8)El Salvador - They should be a top 8 team, but given their pool this year they may not be able to make it through. But as long as their players show up to play, I don't see another loss to Italy happening.

9)Afghanistan - Even without Chico, they have a few excellent players on their squad. There should be a lot of exciting games in pool B.

10)Germany - Every year the Patterson's are the story around Germany. This year they have no Pattersons and they are going to have to work really hard to come out of a tough pool.

11)Colombia - As some have said, they set their whole team up around Paco. Given their pool, Paco might just be enough to get them to the quarters, but no more than that.

12)Nigeria - Some will rank them 6th and some will rank them 16th and only god knows which is closer. They have potential but never seem to live up to it.

13)Norway - Fading... They are not getting any younger and their playoff days are behind them unless they draw the right pool. They did not draw the right pool (Pool D is the right pool for them).

14)Serbia - Not a whole lot different than Norway, except that they drew the right pool.

15)Portugal - Not a great team. Mostly div 4 players now. They will give good teams a workout but I don't see them shocking anyone. Still a chance with pool D though.

16)Italy - From what I've seen, same team as last year. Maybe they can catch one of the top teams in their pool (France, Sudan or ES) off guard like they did last year, but not likely.

17)Greece - Not much talent, not pretty to watch, but they tend to keep things close.

18)Hungary - Seems to be improving, but not enough to be a factor.

19)Scotland - So young.. I've seen so many very talented young players step up to this stage and get overwhelmed by the physical game. But in all honesty, I wouldn't count them out of their pool.

20)Djibouti - I know nothing about them but I assume they are made up somewhat from Botswana's former squad. If that is the case, expect some entertaining play with lob-sided results.

21)N. Ireland - Fading a lot faster than Norway.

22)Somalia - Were not impressive last year. Hopefully they are working on improving the squad.

23)S. Korea - (see Somalia)

Anonymous said...

Nice post with the power rankings, mike and I both have our power rankings coming but with 3 weeks left until the tournament we can't be posting all our stuff at once! - DB

Anonymous said...

Agreed DB. I commend the effort put forth to make a power ranking by "not anonymous". And I have to say, it is quite similar to how I would rank the teams if I were to do the same. The blog needs more posts like this.


Anonymous said...

Collins what are you smoking. Are you trying to suck up to Paco and Darko. They shouldn't be mentioned on any list. Give me a break. What a joke. Stop trying to cause trouble amongst bloggers. You're just trying to get a re-action from people. That's exactly why you named them

Anonymous said...

BAHA now Paco thinks he is unreal cause he made the list!! Way to pump him up!! The little boy is going to be out of control!!! Sorry Paco but you are still not good. -The Joker

Anonymous said...

Well actually Mr Angry WCP Fan I kind of accidentally deleted a few comment from my phone! So, sorry if that was you. But.....I will also be editing out alot of the crap from comments.


Anonymous said...

Raul is the worst coach in the history of the ACFC Futbol Club.
Why does Kevin Holness keep this guy as an active coach!?

My son can't stand him, and neither can all the other boys he plays with. I also wanted to note that his music selection at the wcp cup is atrocious. Can someone else please step up to the plate and take over.

Why are we playing "club"/"bar" music at a soccer event? I pay good money to go and see these games.

Mike Collins said...

For everyone's information I am on vacation and am not monitoring the comments right now so don't blame me.

Also I just heard that our Cosmos team of "animals" just won the mens league soo.... Fail.

Anonymous said...

Clearly you are monitoring the comments on the blog if you have time to post on vacation Collins. Some vacation you are on. You can't even get away from this blog during a vacation. Lame.

Anonymous said...

Raul's music is as bad as his son Andrew's soccer skills.

Anonymous said...

When you committ to volunteering 100's of hours that Raul does for Wcp then you can start helping Kevin make changes. Its much easier to sit in the sidelines and throw darts at people. GROW UP!!

Anonymous said...

No Husdals on the list?

Anonymous said...

If you would post with your name ANON 3:56, I would throw a dart at you. SHUT UP. I could do a better job than Raul could, especially when it comes to the music part of the wcp. Give me a break. I could do this junk with my eyes closed.

Anonymous said...

Then do it you meat head. Give Kevin a call and volunteer. Why not offer to help. I am sure Raul would step aside. The problem is that you are all talk.

Mike Collins said...

If you think you can volunteer do it!. Most of you know who I am so come up and tell me what you would like to contribute. Extra help is always appreciated!

Anonymous said...

Whoever is trashing Raul is a complete idiot. Raul spends more than just hours helping out at the WCP. His contributions to this tournament are to be greatly appriciated. You people are lucky to have the WCP. It's all the volunteers that make this possible. This blog would be a meaningless joke without all the tournament volunteers. Get a life and realize you are nothing without the volunteers. Stop the hate, and talk about something that matters.